Friday, July 20, 2012

What Not To Make

Hot tip for the day: If you think it's your imagination, it's probably not.

Who would've known to think it, but sometimes a good recipe is the one you know NOT to make.

Here's my latest discovery. After pulling an all-nighter doubled over in extreme agony on the floor, and bathroom toilet, might I be so bold as to suggest you NOT cook meat that has been in your freezer for say, more than two months. At least not that speciality item you bought at the meat counter that seemed scrumptious at the time, so you bought two to save one for later. You know, flank steak swirled around bacon, cheese, and spinach. Yeah. That one. Of course maybe it just wasn't cooked long enough. I don't remember. What I do remember is chewing some of the bacon in dim light while watching a movie, thinking, "Hmmm... something tastes a little squishy, then again maybe it's just my imagination."

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