Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Chocolate Candue!

Oh the headache of authoring two blogs. What in heaven's name made me think I could keep up the pace. Hopefully you heeded my advice about not halving recipes, if for no other reason than to eat the leftovers of the one before while waiting for me to post another!

By the way, did you know Cat Stevens--now Yusuf Islam, born Steven Demetre Georgiou--pronounces the second syllable of wigwam--"wam"--to rhyme with "am"? Wig-wam?! What some folks will do for a rhyme. However, I have found the wisdom in his lyrics:
You can do what you want; the opportunity's on, and if you can find a new way, you can do it today.
to be incredibly useful with recipes. Which brings me to two other points (the first should've been included in Stone Ground Rules For The Kitchen):
1- while you should keep cookin' and company separate when in the kitchen--not to mention men--I find it extremely helpful to crank up some music on the stereo! Be forewarned, keep the music upbeat and happy, otherwise your food will fall into the same gloom and doom as the music's (not to mention yours) when it comes off the stove or out of the oven.
2- Feel free to amend any recipe you come by, to make it quicker when serving a large group of people (or anyone menopausal).

On that note, the recipe for the day is one to use when you need a nifty dessert a la company with kids. You heard me right. Here's one you can whip out with little very effort and fantastic results--in the midst of company! How, you ask?

The trick is all in the kid(s) and the amended recipe. (In all honesty, I've only tried this with one child in attendance. I imagine it could frenzy into a wild roar should more kid cooks be added to this pot; you'll see what I mean in a minute.) The amended recipe is Chocolate Covered Strawberries. But you've no time to dip each and every strawberry in chocolate to then cool, with company on the way. Here's when you need to heed Yusuf's advice:
...if you can find a new way, you can do it today!  
Below is one new way. *Look under Suggestions, for Way #2 ;)

Chocolate Strawberries
Stuff To Pull Out Of The Refrigerator and Cupboards After You Get Up Off The Couch and Walk Over to the Kitchen.

(Recipe feeds 5 people after they've devoured dinner)
-  2 quarts capped, and rinsed organic large strawberries.
-  1-ten ounce package Ghirardelli Chocolate Premium Baking Chips - 60% Cacao Bittersweet Chocolate

Make sure you have capped, rinsed, and drained the strawberries before company arrives.

Grab a small metal bowl, approximately 4 inches across, and 3 inches high, and fill with chocolate chips (almost to the top). Place on the WARM (not Low) setting--no higher!!!!--of an electric stove. (For gas stoves, see: Suggestions.)

Now, here's the fun part!
Ask a child to stir the chocolate! (Make sure they DO NOT inch up the heat, or touch the burner!) Sounds scary, yes? But wait a minute. Think about it. Who--more than this child--among you or any other adult in the room has a greater vested interest in the chocolate coming out perfectly warmed, and smooth?! That's right. I don't care how much you love chocolate, most kids can trump your desire for this any day of the week! It will not only instill the virtue of patience in said child, but can be also used as an introduction to meditation practice--as the chocolate takes a very long time to warm. Go ahead, chat away!! Pick and grin 'til the cows come home. Forget all about the chocolate on the stove. Not to worry, that child has your back, as well as the chocolate's, and will be the first to let you know when it's perfectly ready!!! Then sit back and watch every adult in the room--including yourself--scramble up off the couch and run to the kitchen to be the first one to dip those strawberries in the warm, melted chocolate!
YES, double dipping is not only allowed, but triple, and quadruple too!

1- Gas Stove? Chocolate and the lowest flame on a gas stove is you on a blind date--never to be recommended. (Some folks would say the same about electric.) If you're worried, use a double boiler to melt the chocolate. (Two quart stainless steel pot partially filled with water. Bring water to a boil, then place a metal bowl that fits perfectly over the top on the pot. Fill with chocolate chips. Stir.)

2- Way # 2: Menopausal? Who has time or--for pete's sake--the patience to wait for melted chocolate or drive to the store for specialty Ghirardelli's 60% bittersweet cacao or wash strawberries for that matter? Goodness knows menopause is stressful enough!
Grab whatever remotely looks like chocolate and cram that in your mouth along with the uncapped, unwashed strawberries. You'll hardly notice the green leaf amongst all the chocolate, especially if you live in parts of the world where warm weather is abundant. And if that's the case, don't bother pouring them out, just dip the strawberries in the melted bag or wrapper of chocolate.

You're out of chocolate?!! You were not raised right. Go ahead, sneak on out of the house, and take that drive up to the store and restock. Might as well pick up more strawberries while your at it. (Add a dozen eggs, and milk for subterfuge.) Enjoy your dessert on the ride home--right out of the grocery bag!
Note: Have wet wipe-ups in the car handy to use for destroying evidence of your chocolate-strawberry gorge when you're done. I trash the sales receipt in the outside garbage bin before entering the house too, just in case anyone gets suspicious ;)

Mmmmm...Now That's Good Eatin'!


  1. I just bought some nice looking strawberries here in S. Africa. They are my favorite!

  2. great Debbie! (my favorite too) you're one-third the way there. grab some chocolate, and an eight year, and you're good to go!

  3. Ha Ha! I read this while stuffing Nestle Chocolate chips and dried cranberries in my mouth.

  4. sherry, when i get my own TV show--and perhaps my own TV--will you be my weekly guest tester?

  5. When do we start filming? I'm ready for my close-up. (I've ALWAYS wanted to say that; and, mean it. :)

  6. heck, we can start now. how about we use my iPhone video cam to film, edit on iMovie, then upload the show to You Tube? we're minutes away from fame, maybe a little longer for fortune! but then there's this teeny little problem of distance....
