Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Stone Ground Rules For The Kitchen

Welcome to my blog about "good eatin'!" At least, this is what passes for good eatin' in my neck of the wood. Before we begin, let me lay down a few ground rules I have in my kitchen that you might want to adopt for yours.

Rule 1- My kitchen is my sanctuary. Silence is golden. Mostly because I've found when whippin' up any recipe new or old whilst entertaining company, somethin's gonna give by way of ingredient. So keep company and your cookin' separate, whenever possible.

Rule 2- Most--not all--men are rarely a good idea to have in the kitchen while cooking, or period. One, because they will sneak and eat more in ingredients than you have available for your recipe. Two, due to a general lack of discernment in taste, they will think up combinations of ingredients never before imagined and insist you try it, critiquing your lack of adventure. Should you refuse, they will have a go of it on their own, and you'll be cleaning up the leftovers of their inedible masterpiece, and kitchen mess. Never mind how it doubles the grocery bill and gas for the car to have to make two trips to the store for more ingredients, when one could suffice.

I think that pretty well sums it up. Oh yeah. Post these two rules on your refrigerator as a reminder. Otherwise, you'll forget then blame me when the recipes don't pan out ;)

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