Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Bee Vomit and other things I won't eat...

Honey is dried bee vomit. It seems honeybees drink nectar and regurgitate it back and forth among its members in the beehive. We Jungists refer to this as The Collective Stomach.

Before becoming vegan I was mostly a meatatarian-- a person who doesn't eat seafood or enough green vegetables. I had no idea how hard it would be to go vegan, especially considering I don't like to read or research ingredients in food products.

The honey thing came out of left field really. Had I not watched a militant vegan's Q&A YouTube, that one would've slipped right by me for who knows how long. How many more veganically incorrect foods will I eat before I can officially call myself vegan is anyone's guess.

Lucky for me I can still go to fast food restaurants, in theory. Not that I frequented them that much before. It's just that when you close one door, you become shamefully desperate while waiting for the next door to open. Or is it that you're still just wanting to 'fit in?'

Anyway, supposedly Taco Bell is 'vegan approved', even if it's not kosher. So I took 'er for a test drive yesterday. It wasn't as easy as you might think. 

I pulled up to the drive-thru, ordered what I thought was vegan: three black bean tacos, w/guacamole, lettuce and tomato only, please. The drive-up teller told me that will be $10.17 at the window. When I questioned her about how much extra the guacamole, lettuce, and tomato were, because usually spending $10 at Taco Bell can feed a family of twenty, she assured me it was only $2 and some change difference. 

When I pulled up to the next window to pay and get my order, the two cars behind me --soon to be three-- were wishing there was another window for effed up orders like mine as I was handed three black bean burritos instead of tacos.

It wasn't the teller's fault, according to my daughter who was with me at the time, who is not vegan but refuses to eat at fast food restaurants, ultimately making her diet healthier,  I had ordered three burritos. Lucky for me my daughter whispered this under her breath after the teller left to go exchange my order.

There are lots of reasons my daughter doesn't eat fast food, the least of which is due to the amount of fat, the most of which is because she doesn't trust what's going on in the mind of assembly line worker #3. ESPECIALLY when the order is returned for redo at rush hour and it wasn't his/her fault.

She's right. While assembly line worker #3 didn't spit in my tacos someone --I ain't saying who-- made a little switcheroo. While I was right about the cost --I got $5 back-- who cares! someone switched the beans from black, to refried, knowing li'l miss mindlessness me wouldn't catch it until after taking that first bite a little later on down the road.

Honestly, I was so hungry I was in denial it wasn't black beans until the last bite of taco #2. Up until that moment I'd led myself to believe their black beans were overcooked and of a lighter variety.

Can you really taste lard in refried pintos? Yes. After devouring that third taco the roof of my mouth felt like an oil slick. Ever see a dog eat peanut butter? That's what my tongue was doing for the rest of the night.

Do I still eat honey? Do you like bee vomit?

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